એક વાર એક આંધળો છોકરો પોતાનિ ટોપિ ઉંધિ મુકિને એક ભિડ-ભરેલ બજારમાં એક ઓટલા પર બેઠો હતો. તેનિ બાજુમાં એક બોર્ડ મુકેલુ હતુ, જેમાં લખેલુ હતુ - " હું આંધળો છુ, મારિ મદદ કરો ". એનિ ટોપિમાં માત્ર કંઇક ગણિ શકાય તેટ્લા સિક્કા હતા. એક સજ્જન માણસ ત્યાંથિ પસાર થતા હતા. એ બોર્ડ જોઇને ત્યાં ઉભા રહ્યા. એમણે કંઇક વિચાર્યુ, પછિ હસવાં માંડ્યા. તેમણે પોતાના પાકિટમાંથિ થોડા પૈસા કાઢિ એનિ ટોપિમાં મુક્યા. એનુ બોર્ડ ઉંધુ કરિ કંઇક લખ્યું. પછિ તે બોર્ડ તેનિ જ્ગ્યા પર પાછુ મુકિ દિધુ, પણ એ રિતે કે લોકો એનુ વાક્ય વાંચિ શકે.
થોડા જ સમય માં બાળકનિ ટોપિ સિક્કાથિ સારિ એવિ ભરાઇ ગઇ. સજ્જન માણસ પોતાનુ કામ કરિને પાછા એ બાળક પાસે જવા લાગ્યા. એ પાછા એ બાળક પાસે પહોચ્યા. બાળક એમના પગ નાં અવાજથિ એમને ઓળખિ ગયો. એને તરત પુછ્યુ, :" હે મહનુભવ, તમે આ બોર્ડ પર શુ લખિ ને ગયા હતાં? " એમણે કહ્યુ, મે એનિ પર એજ લખ્યુ હતુ જે સાચુ જ છે, પણ બિજિ રિતે. મે લખ્યુ કે, " દુનિયા કેટલિ સુંદર છે, પણ હુ તેને જોઇ નથિ સકતો."
સાર : એક વાત ને હંમેશા બે રિતે જોવિ જોઇએ,
પણ એમાંથિ સારિ વાત જરુર જોવિ જોઇએ.
सिर्फ़ १३ - १४ माह पहले जो सेंसेक्स २१,००० था, आज ९,००० हो गया हे | ११ माह पहले कई विशेशग्य व निवेशक दीर्घावधि पूंजी निवेशा की बात कर रहे थे | आज ९,००० पर कोई निवेशा नही करना चाहता | आशचर्य ! क्या अब दीर्घावधि मैं सभी भारतीय उद्योग जगत की महारथी कम्पनी या डूब जायेगी या ख़तम हो जायेगी?
वोरेना बफेट, जो आज के सबसे धनवान व्यक्ति हैं, ने सभी वास्तविक दीर्घावधि वाले निवेशकों को दीर्घ मुनाफे के लिए संदेश दिया हैं की : -
जब लोग खरीदने के लिए दौड़ रहें हो,
आप डरिये |
जब लोग खरीदने से डर रहे हों ,
आप खरीदें |
Fascinating Facts About Our Brain
We've long known that the brain is an amazing thing, but did you specifically know that:
• Every person has more than 75km of nerves in their body.
• Your nerves can send messages faster than a Grand Prix car travels.
• The brain weighs about 1.5 kg in an adult human, about 1.5% of the body weight.
• The brain is the most complex machine in the universe - it has over 100,000,000, 000 nerve cells each with up to 150,000 connections. Each cell is connected to 25,000 others.
• If every person on the planet simultaneously made 200,000 phone calls, there would be the same total number of connections as in a single human brain in a day
• The grey cells occupy only 5% of our brains - 95% is taken up by the communication network that runs between the grey cells!
• Damaged brain cells do not regenerate but mental and physical functions can improve after mild or moderate brain damage with skilful rehabilitation.
• Each half of the brain controls the other half of your body.
• Compared to other animals, human brains are big for the body.
• The human brain is only just bigger than your two fists.
• On average, the male brain (approx 1.4kg) is slightly bigger than the female brain (approx 1.26kg).
• In right-handed individuals (which comprise 91% of people): the right side of the brain controls: musical talent, fantasy, imagination, dreams, drawing, and painting. The left side of the brain controls: mathematical ability, ability to solve logic problems, controls language skills, remembers names, dates, and facts.
• The grey part of the brain is folded to fit inside the skull and, if flattened, it would cover the surface of an office desk.
• The brain contains 100 billion brain cells of which, 100,000 are irretrievably lost each day.
• You can retain about seven facts at any one time in short term memory, but over the long term your brain has to forget things to make room for new memories.
Bill - Tit for Tat...
While the Gates' are moving in from their temporary quarters nearby, final construction of their new house is not expected to be completed until the end of the year. Now if I were the contractor with a sense of humor...
Bill: "There are a few issues we need to discuss."
Contractor: "Ah, you have our basic support option. Calls are free for the first 90 days and $75 a call thereafter. Okay?"
Bill: "Uh, yeah... the first issue is the living room. We think its a little smaller than we anticipated."
Contractor: "Yeah. Some compromises were made to have it out by the release date."
Bill: "We won't be able to fit all our furniture in there."
Contractor: "Well, you have two options. You can purchase a new, larger living room: or you can use a Stacker."
Bill: "Stacker?"
Contractor: "Yeah, it allows you to fit twice as much furniture into the room. By stacking it, of course, you put the entertainment center on the couch... the chairs on the table... etc. You leave an empty spot, so when you want to use some furniture you can unstack what you need and then put it back when you're done."
Bill: "Uh... I Dunno... Issue two. The second issue is the light fixtures. The bulbs we brought with us from our old home won't fit. The threads run the wrong way."
Contractor: "Oh! Thats easy. Those bulbs aren't plug and play. You'll have to upgrade to the new bulbs."
Bill: "And the electrical outlets? The holes are round, not rectangular. How do I fix that?"
Contractor: "Just uninstall and reinstall the electrical system."
Bill: "You're kidding!?"
Contractor: "Nope. Its the only way."
Bill: " Well... I have one last problem. Sometimes, when I have guests over, someone will flush the toilet and it won't stop. The water pressure drops so low that the showers don't work."
Contractor: "That’s a resource leakage problem. One fixture is failing to terminate and is hogging the resource preventing access from other fixtures."
Bill: "And how do I fix that?"
Contractor: "Well, after each flush, you all need to exit the house, turn off the water at the street, turn it back on, reenter the house and then you can get back to work."
Bill: "That’s the last straw. What kind of product are you selling me?"
Contractor: "Hey, if you don't like it, nobody made you buy it."
Bill: "And when will it be fixed?"
Contractor: "Oh, in your next house - which will be ready to release sometime near the end of next year. Actually it was due out this year, but we've had some delays..."
Http:// V/s Https://
HTTP stands for HyperText Transport Protocol, which is just a fancy way of saying it's a protocol (a language, in a manner of speaking) for information to be passed back and forth between web servers and clients.
The important thing is the letter S which makes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
The S (big surprise) stands for "Secure".
If you visit a website or webpage, and look at the address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following: http://.
This means that the website is talking to your browser using the regular 'unsecure' language.
In other words, it is possible for someone to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the website.
If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site.
This is why you never ever ever enter your credit card number in an http website!
But if the web address begins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.
You understand why this is so important, right?
If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically look to see if the web address begins with https://.
If it doesn't, there's no way you're going to enter sensitive information like a credit card number!
Banta singh to Bill Gates
This letter is from Banta Singh from Punjab. We have bought a computer
for our home and we found problems, which I want to bring to your
1. After connecting to internet we planned to open e-mail account and
whenever we fill the form in Hotmail in the password column, only ******
appears, but in the rest of the fields whatever we typed appears, but
we face this problem only in password field. We checked with hardware
vendor Santa Singh and he said that there is no problem in keyboard.
Because of this we open the e-mail account with password *****.
I request you to check this as we ourselves do not know what the password is.
2. We are unable to enter anything after we click the 'shut down '
3. There is a button 'start' but there is no "stop" button. We request
you to check this.
4. We find there is 'Run' in the menu. One of my friend clicked 'run '
has ran upto Amritsar! So, we request you to change that to "sit", so
that we can click that by sitting.
5. One doubt is that any 're-scooter' available in system? As I find
only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.
6. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost
the door key and we tried a lot for tracing the key with this ' find',
but unable to trace. Is it a bug??
7. Every night I am not sleeping as I have to protect my 'mouse' from
CAT, So I suggest u to provide one DOG to kill that cat.
8. Please confirm when u are going to give me money for winning
'HEARTS' (playing cards in games) and when are u coming to my home to collect
ur money.
9. My child learnt 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn 'Microsoft
sentence', so when u will provide that?
10. Please congirm about "exit" button because here is only "Enter" no "exit"
Direct Links
Here is some useful links which i share to you all for different kind of Online News Paper.
For Online NEWS-Paper :
- Gujarat samachar (Gujarati)
- Sandesh (Gujarati)
- Akilaindia (Gujarati)
- Divyabhaskar (Gujarati)
- Times of India
- India Press
- Online Newspaper
- The Bombay Samachar
- The Hindu (National)
- Loksatta
- Mid-Day
- Zee news
- Navhind Times (Goa)
- Today India (In English)
- Lok Tej (In Hindi)
- Maharastra Time (In Marathi)
- Manorama Online (In Malayalam)
- Punjab Express (In Punjabi)
Patel, Patidar
The word ‘Patidar’ has now practically become extinct. The Patidars are now better known as Patel’s.
Patidar means "owner of land". ‘PATI’ means land and ‘DAR’ means the person who owns it.
Besides ‘Patel’,’Desai’, and ‘Amin’ are the two other surnames commonly found among the Patidars. Theoretically the difference between Desais or Amins on hand and Patels used to till their land themselves while Desais or Amins got others to do the job. Desais were Jagirdars, Amins too were Jagirdars, but they always remained pro-rules. The Patidars in Gujarat are divided in four sub-castes (1) the Kadavas (2) the Leuas (3) the Anjanas (4) the Matis.
Most of the Leua Patidars are found in Central Gujarat while Kadava Patidars are generally found in North Gujarat, espically, in Mehsana District. Many Anjana patidars have ‘Choudhry’ surname. They also use ‘sinh’ as suffix to their names.
The actual name is derivative of the word Patlika. The name was first used in Gujarat during the era of the Muslim Sultans (1412 AD to1573 AD). The headmen in the village were appointed by Sultans and were known as Mukhisa. Mukhi is a word derived from the Arabic word Mukta. Through time, these headmen became called Patel (derived from Patlik or Akshpatlik or Akshpatal).
Eventually even relatives and friends of Mukhis started calling themselves Patel. It seems as though the word came into use after 1400AD. Prior to this period, all Patels were known as Kanbis. The name Patel is a surname and not a caste. It is also used by certain other groups of people such as Brahmins, Vanias, Muslims, Harijans, Tailors and Cobblers. Although, the use of the name within these groups has declined in recent times. At present, the surname Patel is only used by Kanbi and so it is knows as their surname and not their cast.
Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)
Swami Vivekananda (12 January 1863 -4 July 1902), Narendranath Dutta was born in an aristocratic family of uvaneshwari Devi was pious and had practiced austerities and prayed to Vireshwar Shiva of Varanasi to give her a son. She reportedly had a dream in which Shiva rose from his meditation and said that he would be born as her son.
His parents influenced the Swami's thinking—the father by his rational mind and the mother by her religious temperament. He is considered a key figure in the introduction of Vedanta and Yoga in Europe and America and is also credited with raising interfaith awareness, bringing Hinduism to the status of a world religion during the end of 19th Century. Vivekananda is considered to be a major force in the revival of Hindusim in modern
Narendranath entered the first year Arts class of Presidency College, Culcutta in January 1880 and the next year he shifted to Scottish Church. During the course, he studied western logic, western philosophy and history of European nations. In 1881 he passed the Fine Arts examination and in 1884 he passed the Bachelor of Arts.
From his childhood, he showed inclination towards spirituality, God realisation and realizing the highest spiritual truths. He studied different religious and philosophical systems of East and the West; he met different religious leaders. He came under the influence of the Brahmo Samaj, an important socio-religious organization of that time.
With ramkrishna
At the threshold of youth Narendra had to pass through a period of spiritual crisis when he was assailed by doubts about the existence of God. It was at that time he first heard about Sri Ramakrishna from one of his English professors at college. One day in November 1881, Narendra went to meet Sri Ramakrishna who was staying at the
Apart from removing doubts from the mind of Naren
dra, Sri Ramakrishna won him over through his pure, unselfish love. Thus began a guru-disciple relationship which is quite unique in the history of spiritual masters. Narendra now became a frequent visitor to Dakshineshwar and, under the guidance of the Master, made rapid strides on the spiritual path. At Dakshineshwar, Narendra also met several young men who were devoted to Sri Ramakrishna, and they all became close friends.
Awareness of Life’s Mission
After establishing the new monastic order, Vivekananda heard the inner call for a greater mission in his life.
was Sri Ramakrishna’s message to the modern world and to
Parliament of Religions
It was when these ideas were taking shape in his mind in the course of his wanderings that Swami Vivekananda heard about the World’s Parliament of Religions to be held in
His speeches at the World’s Parliament of Religions held in September 1893 made him famous as an ‘orator by divine right’ and as a ‘Messenger of Indian wisdom to the Western world.
Founding of Ramakrishna Mission
Swami Vivekananda accomplished another important task of his mission on earth. He founded on 1 May 1897 a unique type of organization known as Ramakrishna Mission, in which monks and lay people would jointly undertake propagation of Practical Vedanta, and various forms of social service, such as running hospitals, schools, colleges, hostels, rural development centres etc, and conducting massive relief and rehabilitation work for victims of earthquakes, cyclones and other calamities, in different parts of India and other countries.
Selected Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
* Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.
* We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded,
and by which one can stand on one's own feet.
* So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor who, having been educated at
their expense, pays not the least heed to them.
* Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think yourselves
strong, strong you will be.
* If you have faith in all the three hundred and thirty millions of your mythological gods, … and still have no faith
in yourselves, there is no salvation for you. Have faith in yourselves, and stand up on that faith and be strong;
that is what we need.
* Strength, strength it is that we want so much in this life, for what we call sin and sorrow have all one cause, and
that is our weakness. With weakness comes ignorance, and with ignorance comes misery.
* The older I grow, the more everything seems to me to lie in manliness. This is my new Gospel.
* Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success, and above all, love.
* Religion is realization; not talk, not doctrine, nor theories, however beautiful they may be. It is being and
becoming, not hearing or acknowledging; it is the whole soul becoming changed into what it believes.
* Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already in man.
* Teach yourselves, teach everyone his real nature, call uon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will
come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, and everything that is excellent will come when
this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity.
* It is love and love alone that I preach, and I base my teaching on the great Vedantic truth of the sameness and omnipresence of the Soul of the Universe.
* They alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive.
* This is the gist of all worship – to be pure and to do good to others.
The rock memorial
At Kanyakumari, the Swami reportedly meditated on the "last bit of Indian rock", famously known later as the Vivekananda Rock Memorial for three days. At Kanyakumari, Vivekananda reportedly had the "Vision of one
1. Why do you worry? Whom / what do you fear? Who can kill you / harm you? The soul is never born... nor is it subject to death.
2. What has happened, has happened for some good (in the long run). What is happening is also for some good, and what will happen, will be also for your good. So, don't repent about the past, neither worry about the future. The present is here, so live it.
3. What have you lost that you grieve? What did you bring along (at your birth) that you lost? What did you produce / created (on your own without God's grace) that has bee
4. Change is the essence of Life / world. What you think as Death, is in fact a new beginning in itself, a new life. In one moment you (may) become a millionaire, the next moment you (may) become poor. Remove such (extreme) emotions / thoughts like.... yours & mine, big & small (great & small), ours & yours, etc.... then you will see that all belongs to you and you belong to all. (Like Buddha’s philosophy of middle-path and balance)
5. Neither this body is yours nor you (soul) belongs to this body. It is composed of / made from Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Space and will dissolve into these (at your death). But soul is eternal, then WHO ARE YOU ?? Surrender yourself to the God (Brahma). This is the best refuge / support. He who knoweth this refuge / support, he is absolved of all fear, worries, sufferings, sorrow.
6. Whatever you do, just surrender your achievements (or perceived loss / failure) to that lord. This way you will experience eternal bliss void of any EGO (and desires and sorrows).
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Special Quotes
Succed : In order to succeed, you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing. – Will Rogers
Special Quotes
* The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Chinese proverb
* Birds sing after a storm, why shouldn’t we? - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
* Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to
success when they gave up. – Thomas Edison
* Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be
friends with anyone else in the world. – Eleanor Roosevelt
* One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. – Helen
* Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. – Darrell Royal
* The above all, to thine own self be true – Shakespeare.
* Attitude, not aptitude, determines altitude. – Jesse Jackson
* The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. – Henry David
ગ્મે તેટલી ઉમરના છોકરા કે છોકરીને ઍક સવાલ પૂછો કે મા કેવી છે? તમને મોટાભાગે ઍક જ જવાબ મળશે - ફૂલ્થી પણ કોમળ અને ક્યારેક પત્થરથી પણ સખ્ત. માતાનુ દ્રેક ક્ષ્ણ બદલાતા આ રૂપ તમે પણ જોયુ હશે અને ક્યારેક ટી જોઈને તમને નવાઈ પણ લાગી હશે ને? ક્દી વીચાર આવતો હશે કે માતાનો વ્યવહાર કેમ ક્દી ઍક સરખો નથી રેહ્તો?
મા વીશે આ નહી સમજાય પણ જે મા છે તે જ જાણે છે, કે પછી તમે મા બનશો ત્યારે તમને સમજાશે. શબ્દો , રીતભાત બદલશે પણ મા નહી. મા યથાવત રહે છે. માનુ અમુક વર્તન આપણને સમજાતુ નથી.
** પણ મા તે મા બીજા બધા વગડાના વા.
** દ્રેક બાબતેમાં માતા આપણને ટોકે છે કે આ કર તે ના કર, આમ નહી રેહ્વાનુ - છોકરાને આ જ શીખવાડ્યુ છે? આ બધુ આપણા માટે મા ઈ બધુ સાંભળી લીધુ. આપણા ઉછેર દરમ્યાન આપણને કશી કુટેવ ના પડે તેનું કાયમ ધ્યાન લીધુ.
** પોતાના મનમાં અનેક ફ્રયાદો, આરોપ, આંસુઅઓ છુપાવી લઈ કોઈ પણ પ્રકારની સ્પષ્ટતા કયરા વીના, કેમ? કેમ કે ઍ મા છે.
*** ન હી માતા સમો ગુરુ:, ઍન હી માતા સમો સ્ખા, ન હી માત સ્મમ સુખમ્, માતા પરમ દૈવતમ. *****
*** સ્નતાન ને માતાની લાગણી ની પ્રવા નથી હોતી, પ્ર્તુ માતાની લાગણી ક્યારેય ઓછી થતી નથી. સ્નતાન આ વાત ત્યારે જ સમજે છે જ્યારે તેઓ મા-બાપ બને છે.